....Now, But It Will Eventually.
We have all been there, you know that moment where you are about to make an important decision. At that time and place it seems right, well-rounded, perfect. You can even glimpse into the future and envision the joy that this single decision will reap.
Yep, it makes perfect sense and it even feels right. So you put your heart and soul into it trying to make it happen. You are convinced that there is so much good in making this decision that even if there was some bad outcomes, they are minimal.
So you get ready to make this is decision and then something else intercepts. Suddenly your entire life path has been altered, shifted into a different direction. The unknown. In that moment everything changes and nothing makes sense.
Frustration abounds and you catch yourself wondering why didn't this decision happen, why?!
This is where most of us stop, we dwell so much on the why that we don't look for the wisdom behind the shift.
We humans are creatures of finite knowledge. We can't tell the future nor do we always know what is best for us. We are logical; we use steps to define how a decision will unfold in the future often ignoring the bumps in the road. Decisions based on logic are good but not all logical reasonings are sensible. On these basis we shouldn't get stuck on the "why" but have faith that the alteration in our path is for the best.
Embrace your new path and let the past go. You might not see the benefits now or soon but eventually they will manifest themselves.
Till next time....
such a beautiful post, mashaAllah! great reflection!