At this point in our lives, most of us have gone through an interview where we are asked about our strengths and weaknesses. And like most of us that question leads up to a blank stare and a self-realization with "I don't know!" What's even ironic is that most of us, when critiqued by others (who actually observe our actions and character), deny their conclusion of us. Mainly because, we don't like what we hear.
This is a growing problem in today's society. We don't know who we are because we are too busy trying to fit in with the crowd or keep up with is it the Kardashians now? Most people when they introduce themselves to others they try to find a common interest and for some reason that common interest becomes that persons entire character. I have had too many introductory conversations that ended abruptly/awkwardly because we couldn't get past the mundane interest of what our favorite color or food. C'mon people, what happened to knowing someone? Has it gotten that bad where we can't express our individuality and not fear acceptance or rejection?
We are so busy trying to look like each other we lost ourselves. We don't know who we are or what we want anymore. We enter relationships and form bonds that are short-lived because they were founded on something shallow with no substance. If you are not comfortable being by yourself and most importantly knowing yourself, how do you expect to be with someone else (in any type of relationship really)?
The best advice I have ever received was take time to yourself and have a conversation. Know you. Trust me it goes along way and saves a lot of time. Be your own critic for once and build your character, so the next time someone asks you "So what's your story?" You can actually answer with more than "I like the color green" and "I eat spaghetti often".
Till next time....
Love this Iz!