Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who Is Your Role-Model?

For as far as I can remember, I have been told to draw inspiration from people I perceive as "role-models". I have asked myself time and again what constitutes or qualifies a person as a role model? Most people will tell you that the answer is "someone who has it all, and then some". I was set, but for my short-lived life this task has not been easy. Actually it is exhausting, often times disappointing. I have searched, high and low, and still am for that "role-model" to look up to. But the more I learn about this life, the more my perspective changes about the definition of a "role-model".

You see, it's not that "role-models" dont exist, they do and everywhere actually. But we forget a small detail about role-models; they are human and humans are prone to fault, err. Another detail we often attach to the term "role-model" is well-rounded; "Someone who has it ALL". This is where finding the "role-model" of inspiration proves to be exhausting.

Earlier in life, I decided that if I mirrored successful "role-models" then my life would go accordingly. So what did I do? I started picking and choosing different people that seemed to be generally content with their life's direction. For life, family, friends, love, career, outreach, etc. I chose a "role-model" for it.

That was the first step. The second step was knowing the details; this was a painful disappointment. The life lessons left more doubts than reassurance of any type.

We see the big beautiful portraits but we know nothing about the intricate details that make them up. Through my journey I learned that life goals are best reached through understanding those details. More on the why and how rather than on the what, where, and when. Those details are the driving inspiration in people that made them appear as "role-models" in the first place.

So my perspective was changed and continues to expand. Instead of labeling people as my "role-models", I began to label their inspiring actions as the real "role-model". I began to see through people and look at the goodness because we are all full of flaws. No one is perfect and if you go looking for them you are bound to find those flaws. But why waste your time on the bad when there is the good? You may not like someone but you might admire an aspect or a trait of theirs. That's ok, take that aspect as your inspiration and leave the rest. Set it as your "role-model" rather than the individual as a whole. When you began to do this you will see more goodness in people and less of the bad.

As for me, if you were to ask who my role-models are? I would have to say:
The people who forgive easily, care deeply, and love unconditionally. The ones the pick themselves up and march forward. The ones that learn with every experience and never tire of working for the greater good. The ones that simply smile because its another day, another beginning. The ones that are thankful for every gift, blessing, and trial.

The list can go on forever really. This perspective though diminishes faults and capitalize on our good aspects. Use it often and the world will become a better place.

Till next time.....

1 comment:

  1. beautiful! i'm use this for my youth group discussion! <3
