Friday, October 21, 2011

There is a Difference.....

Robert Burns "You Learn" Poem starts off like this: "After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul...."

Although Mr Burn's poem refers to how at one point we all realize that we must build ourselves and not wait for someone else to do so, I find another meaning.

His poem is intriguing actually because it makes you realize how we often become dependable on others to "fix" or "solve" our problems. The growing pains of growing up are very real; I know because I am living it. I can recall many times where I am faced with difficult problems and all I wanted was someone to tell me what to do or make a decision for me. Luckily, I am surrounded with people who refuse to take that role. That might have sounded sarcastic but it's true.

Mr. Burns ends the poem with "So you plant your garden and decorate your own soul, Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers...."

Though painful and confusing at times, "decorating" ones soul is the most rewarding experience for any of us. It's because we learn without influence and know that our decisions came from within us. Now I am not saying to discard sound advice from people around you. Quite the opposite. But instead of taking that advice as "it's what you should do", take it as a piece of information to weighing your options and don't forget that there IS two sides to everything so look for it.

Im just going to end by saying that you will be disappointed if you keep relying on people to carry you through life. The people in your life are there for support, unconditional love, and sometimes just a lesson; Take them as that and nothing more. They are there to "hold your hand" so let them do it to the best of their ability. Don't chain them, don't expect them to be your savior, and don't hold them to a standard you cant fulfill yourself.  Just appreciate their presence and support, because you are lucky that they are there in the first place.

Till next time.....

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